Because she ended up marrying her ex boyfriend without her knowledge. Taking marriage for granted was the biggest mistake Maithili has done in her life. Can I possibly try to keep my virtue intact with this man living under the same roof as me? 'Are you trying to tell me that you plan to stay virgin for the rest of your life?' He stood in front of me, trapping me in between his ape like body and the kitchen counter. You will sleep with me and that too willingly' he smirked I looked up into his eyes which were staring at me with arrogance and confidence. 'You will' his voice pierced my thoughts. 'But I am not going to sleep with you', I said.
There will be no one else in my life as long as I am your wife. His gaze curious, curious of what I will say, My wife works mornings so she is aslp when I arrive, and I am aslp when she leaves. I shower then head home clean and ready for bed. I work swing-shift, and hit the all night gym on the way home three nights a week. 'Oh' my mouth fell open and I didn't know how to respond. : This story actually began a while ago, about a year. Jagur immediately claims the boy as his own, and takes him from his master. One day, he becomes enchanted by a beautiful boy name Ceres, a slave. He owns many lands, and collects taxes from those under his rule. Sex' he recited like it was maths formula which he has been reciting for years. Jagur is the Alpha Chief of his tribe, and his name is feared far and wide by men. 'Which are?' I probed for a detailed answer 'Whatever a husband should expect from his wife' he replied in an emotionless way. 'what are you expecting from this marriage?' I asked.